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The History of Annealeez

Annealeez was started purely out of necessity, and never with the intention of becoming a manufacturing company. One of my reloading buddies wanted to make his own annealing machine and was scouring the internet and YouTube for ideas, tricks, suggestions or any information he could find. He then went to work making a machine. He finally ended up with a machine that was a tad bit rickety and worked somewhat. He asked me to take a look at his machine and see if I could help him make it better.
I didn’t like the engineering of how he had decided to make his machine and was intrigued with making a better one. So, a month or two or three went by working on my machine, after work and on the weekends, all for my friend, and the first Annealeez was born.

The first Annealeez machine...crude...but effective!


Unlike the current machines, our proto-type had wooden sides.

He liked the machine so much, we showed it to a few other friends...and, "Can you make me one?" kept coming up. "You should patent these and sell them on the internet." kept coming up. I certainly didn’t think it was possible, but thought.. "Why not, I could make them out of metal and powder coat them." A website, a YouTube video, a Facebook page, make them affordable and provide the best customer service possible and now... a year later, we sell them all around the globe. Seven employees, (family and close friends), and we certainly can’t make them in the garage any longer.

I absolutely Love America! Anything is possible here. - Jeff Buck
